At Concept Gallery, buyers find a carefully curated selection of fine art, antiques, jewelry, and more. Our auctions offer a diverse range of artworks and collectibles, ensuring buyers have access to exceptional pieces that align with their tastes and investment goals, all within a transparent and reliable auction buying process.

How to Buy
Browse available items
View our online catalog or visit our gallery during a preview to see the items offered.
Review our Terms of Sale
Place a bid
Sign up and bid through our auction portal, bid in person at our gallery (if the auction is a live sale), leave an absentee bid, or request a phone bid.
The auctions take place in real time within our Gallery space at 1031 South Braddock Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15218. You are able register to bid in person on the day of the sale or in advance during the preview.
You can register to bid online through our auction portal. Once you have completed the registration, approval is often instantaneous, but can take up to 12 hours if registration takes place when the gallery is closed.
We will contact you approximately 3 lots before the lot you are interested in bidding on. Our staff will let you know what bids are being taken and ask if you would like to bid. If you indicate you would like to bid they will place the bid with the auctioneer. If they indicate the bid is “with you” then you are the current high bidder. Conversely if they say that the bid is “against you” then your bid has been topped and if interested you will need to bid again.
Telephone bidding is available by filling out this form. Bid forms are due the day before the sale by 5pm.
Our auctioneer will bid as your proxy. The bid is executed against any other bidding in the house. Our auctioneer will try to secure the piece for you at the lowest price possible. If no competing bid is made, your bid will be made and taken at the reserve.
Absentee bidding is available by filling out this form. Bid forms are due the day before the sale by 5pm.
Pay for and pick up your items
Check your email after the auction for instructions on how to pay your invoice online. Pick up or arrange shipping within 10 calendar days from the date of the sale.
Buyer FAQs
If you are not present, an invoice will be sent to you via email. Invoices are sent after the auction has ended. We accept all major credit cards, cash, check, bank transfer, or wire transfer.
The buyer’s premium is the percentage the buyer pays in addition to the hammer price or final amount bid. For in-house, absentee, phone bids, and purchases made through our website, our buyer’s premium is 24% for payment by credit card. The buyer’s premium is reduced to 20% if payment is made by check, cash, or electronic/wire transfer WITHIN 10 DAYS. The buyer’s premium on lots bid on and purchased through,, and is 27% regardless of the payment method.
Auctions typically begin at 10am EST. We usually sell between 50 to 60 lots per hour, depending on the level of bidding activity.
Our auctions start with lot #1 or lot #500 and proceed in chronological order.
Our bidding increments are as follows:
$0 to $100 (by $10’s), $100 to $400 (by $25’s), $400 to $ 1,000 (by $50’s), $1,000 to $3,000 (by $100’s), $3000 to $5000 (by $200’s), $5,000 to $10,000 (by $500’s), $10,000 to $20,000 (by $1,000’s ), $20,000 to $50,000 (by $2500’s), $50,000 to $100,000 (by $5,000’s), over $100,000 (by $10,000’s)